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The Ithaca College Symphony and Chamber Orchestras will give a free concert on Thursday, December 2, at 8:15 pm in Ford Hall. Jeffrey Grogan, associate professor of music performance, will conduct.

The Chamber Orchestra, an ensemble of about 35 players, will present Mendelssohn's Hebrides Overture and Ravel's Le Tombeau de Couperin. The full Symphony, comprising 90 performers, will perform Barber's Overture to The School for Scandal and Pictures at an Exhibition in Ravel's orchestration of Moussorgsky's music.

The symphony orchestra has been selected to perform in concert at the upcoming New York State School Music Association Winter Conference in Rochester, NY. They are one of three New York State college level musical organizations performing at the conference, and the only instrumental ensemble.

Contributed by Erik Kibelsbeck

Concert Includes Pictures at an Exhibition | 0 Comments |
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