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Blood Drive

Contributed by Cynthia Smith on 11/18/04 

It's that time of the year again -- Monday December 6, is our winter holiday blood drive from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm in Emerson Suites in Campus Center.

Imagine that you are a doctor and your patients -- a three-year-old facing emergency heart surgery, a trauma victim, and a sickle-cell patient needing regular transfusions -- all need blood urgently. But the supplies are low and there might not be enough for everyone. So you have to decide, who will get the blood, and who won't. Now imagine that one of these scenarios involves your son or daughter.

Please help our community blood supply and donate at our drive. The blood supply is very fragile and doctors are sometimes forced to make very difficult decisions just like these.

Did you know that?

  • Only 5% of the populations who can donate blood actually do.
  • Your one donation can save up to three lives.
  • 85% of the population will require blood transfusion at some point in their life!
  • Red blood cells are only viable for 42 days.

You are eligible to donate if you meet the following criteria:

  • • At least 17 years old
  • • Weigh at least 110 lb.
  • • Your last donation was on or before October 11
  • • Have not traveled abroad since 1980 for more then 3 cumulative months in Great Britain or 6 months cumulative in Europe.

Please make an appointment at our blood drive on Monday December 6. E-mail or stop by the sign-up table in Textor hall during November 30 through December 3 from 11:00 am-3:00 pm to make an appointment.

Be sure to eat well the day of donation, drink plenty of fluids and a get a good nights sleep.

Thank you for your generosity and donation!

Contributed by Cynthia B. Smith

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