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Need a ride? Want to save money as well as wear and tear on your vehicle? Take a look at the new Intercom topic, "Carpooling."

First, for security reasons, you need to log in to Intercom using your e-mail username and password.

Once logged in, select "Carpooling" in the sections menu on the left of your screen. There you will find instructions on how to "request" a ride or "offer" a ride. You'll also be able to read all the requests and offers available. If you find a match with your needs, just contact the individuals involved.

I hope you'll take time to review this new option of transportation, and that you'll find it useful either on a daily basis or for those occasional opportunities when you need a ride.

I'd like to thank the Intercom team for helping facilitate this opportunity for our campus community.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact me -- Barbara Terrell, 274-3896.

Contributed by Barbara Terrell

Carpooling -- Every Day or Occasionally | 17 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
REQUEST carpool/ 96B Candor side Comment from npierce on 08/31/05
I'm thinking about saving some $$$$$$ by carpooling.

I'm looking for a meeting place on 96B between Candor (pull off by Gridleyville Rd.) and Willseyville Square.

Work 8-4:00 Monday - Friday
Carpooling -- Every Day or Occasionally Comment from bterrell on 09/01/05
Schuyler County offer. I'm interested in carpooling with someone
either daily or a couple of days per week from the Watkins Glen,
Burdett, Odessa area. My hours are somewhat flexible. Please
contact me at
Carpooling -- Every Day or Occasionally Comment from dackerson on 09/05/05
Looking for a ride to Oneonta, NY after 2 pm on Oct. 2 or early Oct. 3. Return to Ithaca afternoon or later on Oct. 4 Contact Dave in TRLS at or 4-7350
Carpooling -- T/Th or M/W Comment from jgambell on 09/05/05
Looking to carpool from Cortland, Tully or Lafayette. Meeting places could be on Routes 81, 281 or 13.

T/Th - I have classes 8-3pm
M/W - I have class 4-5:15pm
Arrive/depart times are flexible.
Carpooling -- Every Day or Occasionally Comment from dackerson on 09/12/05
I'm looking for rides to the Albany area or Western Mass. on weekends. Will share fuel costs. Please contact Dave Ackerson in TRLS at 4-7350 or
Fall Creek, Tu & Th Comment from vwhisman on 10/03/05
I need to be on campus on Tu & Th around 9am, and I leave around 2pm. I could take someone to campus from Fall Creek, and take them home if that time works. More likely, they'd take the bus home.
Or I could ride in with someone on those days, and then get myself home on the bus.

Vera Whisman
277 4942
Carpooling -- Every Day or Occasionally Comment from novak on 10/10/05
We Need a ride to Rochester on Wednesday October 12.
Please EMail
Carpooling -- Every Day or Occasionally Comment from jlomand1 on 10/17/05
if anyone could give me a ride to rochester anytime this friday(21st) till saturday afternoon and possibly a ride back on sunday, either or will do. email me at
Carpooling -- Every Day or Occasionally Comment from dackerson on 11/28/05
I'm looking for a ride home to the NY capital region or western New England for Winter Break. Can leave after noon on 12/15 or any time 12/16.

David Ackerson 274-7350
Carpooling -- Every Day or Occasionally Comment from mevans on 08/15/06
Looking to carpool from Cortland to Ithaca. I'm on campus M-F 8:30 - 5.

Carpooling -- Every Day or Occasionally Comment from nbrown on 09/01/06
I'm looking for a ride from T-burg home to campus everyday. I can leave at between 7:50 and 8:00am and would like to return after 5pm. I can be reached at

Request Carpool/ West Hill Tu-Fr Comment from nhouse on 09/26/06
Looking for a ride in to work early. Anytime between 5:45am and 6:45am (need to be at work by 7am)Tuesday through Friday. I live on the West Hill at West Village Place. Will pay gas $$$$. E-mail or call 274-1540. Thanks!
NYC? Comment from rdenard1 on 10/12/06
I'm looking for a ride into NYC on Wednesday, October 18th a little bit after 2 p.m. But not too too much after. Let me know if you can help!
Carpooling -- Every Day or Occasionally Comment from mevans on 11/30/06

I live in Cortland, NY and I work M-Th 7am - 5:30pm. I am looking to carpool - drive or ride.

Carpooling -- Every Day or Occasionally Comment from shills on 08/16/07
Looking to carpool from Spencer to Ithaca College. I work at Ithaca College from
8:00-4:00. Anybody with interest can contact me at
Carpooling -- Every Day or Occasionally Comment from whyman on 02/06/08
Anyone interested in sharing the drive and the gas from east Ithaca? I come in
on 79 East (Slaterville Road), leaving from the Crispell's/Brooktondale Road area.
Would love to carpool with someone who passes by here from further east
(Slaterville Springs/Candor/Brooktondale/Caroline)--or whom I can pick up on
my way (German Cross Road? Burns Road? East Hill plaza?). Hours variable and
often flexible.

Carpooling -- Every Day or Occasionally Comment from krafferty on 04/02/09
I'm interested in carpooling with someone either daily or a couple of days per week from the Moravia/Locke/Groton area. I am on campus Monday - Friday, 8:30am-5:00pm. or 4-1056.