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CNS Sustainability Group

Contributed by Nancy Pierce on 11/23/04 

Faculty, staff, and students are invited to a short meeting to discuss plans for creating a CNS sustainability group.

Date: Thursday December 2
Time: 12:05-1:00 pm
Place: CNS 115

More information:

The Center for Natural Sciences building is one of the biggest energy users on campus. What can we do to reduce our ecological footprint? Lots of things! At this meeting we will discuss the formation of a committee whose specific goals will be to:

  1. Decrease the energy requirements of CNS.
  2. Bring sustainability issues into the curriculum across the sciences (and beyond).
  3. Invite one or two seminar speakers per year using funds pooled from three departments.
  4. Conduct outreach to other groups on campus to raise awareness.
  5. Make our goals and activities public.

The overarching rationale for the formation of this group is to:

  • provide a model for other groups on campus to adopt sustainable ways of thinking and operating on campus

  • simulate what a campus sustainability office might do (on a small scale) and provide faculty push for a campus sustainability office.

  • provide the infrastructure for student activities or other faculty initiatives and give these activities more visibility.

If you would like to be a part of this group, please attend this meeting. If you cannot attend, but you are interested in being a member of this group, please contact Susan Swensen.

Staff and students are especially encouraged to attend this meeting. For this initiative to work, we need broad perspectives and participation.

Contributed by Nancy Pierce

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