The Center for Faculty Excellence offers two hands-on workshops for faculty on Thursday, December 2, and Tuesday, December 7.
This Thursday, we consider classroom observations of other faculty. Whether the purpose is general support and feedback (formative) or evaluation for personnel reviews (summative), peer visits can be confusing and stressful.
This workshop suggests some principles of good practice and some choices you can make to create an effective strategy for your own observations. We'll have handouts and lots of exploration and discussion.
Next week's Tuesday workshop deals with effective and easier grading strategies. We will choose that day those topics with most urgency for participants, so if you are anticipating a crisis, enter this in your calendar.
Both workshops are from 12:10 to 1:00 pm in the Campus Center; this week in the Klingenstein Lounge and next week in the Clark Lounge. We will provide beverage and light snacks. You are welcome to bring your lunch, and we understand that you may need to arrive late or leave early.
Center for Faculty Excellence
Contributed by Susanne Morgan