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The LGBT Center's tobacco cessation and prevention initiative, designed to address disproportionate rates of smoking in sexual minority students at Ithaca College, is highlighted in two current publications.

The initiative is featured in the article "Big Tobacco Targets GLBT; Ithaca College Responds with Smoking Awareness Initiative" by Nancy Gonzalez, M.Ed., in CFLE Network (Vol. 16, Number 4), the newsletter for Certified Family Life Educators of the National Council on Family Relations.

The initiative also appears as a best practice in the "Tobacco Programming Ideas -- Call to Action" chapter of Campus Superhero Handbook: Student Leaders Battling Tobacco, the 2004 manual by Bacchus and Gamma Peer Education Network (the nation's largest organization committed to education, training, and support for peer educators focusing on health and safety issues in higher education) and

Contributed by Lisa Maurer

LGBT Center Initiative Featured in Two Publications | 0 Comments |
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