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Stephen Kress will present his story of seabird reintroductions throughout the world in CNS 202 at 1:15 pm on Thursday, December 9.

The techniques Kress originated to reintroduce the Atlantic puffin are now used for threatened seabird populations throughout the world.

Over 30 years ago, when his work was introduced to Ithaca school children, the children helped mass-produce decoys used to lure nesting birds to vacated islands. His spring ornithology course is a treasured experience for many Ithacans.

Kress is director of the National Audubon Society's Seabird Restoration Program and manager of the Society's Maine coast seabird sanctuaries. He is author of The Audubon Society Bird Garden, The Audubon Society Guide to Attracting Birds, the Golden Guide Bird Life and other publications on birds and their management.

Some background information: "Still Puffin along" in the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle.

The lecture is free and the public is invited.

Contributed by John Confer

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