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RecycleMania, a friendly competition among university recycling programs in the United States, strives to increase students' awareness of campus recycling.

The results of this event show that all the participating institutions have made achievements in recycling and waste reduction.

Over a 10-week period, schools compete to see which institution can collect the largest amount of recyclables from residence halls, on-campus apartments, and dining halls. Schools report measurements on a weekly basis in pounds recycled per student living on campus. The RecycleMania event provides students with a fun, proactive activity in waste reduction. The school that recycles the most wins. A RecycleMania trophy is presented to the winner.

More information on this project is at RecycleMania.

If you would like to help promote this event on campus, please contact the Resource and Environmental Management Program (REMP) at

Contributed by Mark Darling

IC to Participate in RecycleMania | 0 Comments |
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