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Thank You to Blood Donors

Contributed by Cynthia Smith on 12/15/04 

Drum roll please -- The drive resulted in collecting 98% of the goal.

There were 117 productive units collected out of a goal of 120. While not 100% or more of our goal, it is still a very good result. The 117 units will provide vital help for 351 patients in the New York-Pennsylvania region.

Here are the complete statistics:

  • 104 units of whole blood collected, 13 double red cell units collected (6 gave 2, 1 donor could only give 1 pint) for a total of 117 productive units
  • 143 donors scheduled (excellent for a 120 goal!)
  • 152 donors registered to donate
  • 44 of the registering donors were walk-ins, giving an appointment show rate of 76% -- a very good rate
  • 141 donors presented to give whole blood (completed their health history and met with staff); of these, 33 were deferred (21 because their iron count was too low), and 4 could not give a full pint, resulting in the 117 productive units collected.

Thank you to all for donating your time and valuable life saving blood.

Contributed by Cynthia B. Smith

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