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REMP, ICES, the CNS Sustainability Group, Students for Sustainability, and the Department of Physical Plant are asking for your help to, "Switch off, turn off, and save."

Please conserve energy, save money, and help reduce Ithaca College's ecological footprint, during the upcoming holiday break, by taking such easy steps as turning off computers, monitors, office copiers, printers, research equipment, lighting, and any other non-critical electric equipment.

If you have individual fan coil heating units in your work area please turn them to a lower heat setting while you are away. The Department of Physical Plant will be switching off all non-essential fans, motors, and air-handling units as well as lowering temperature set points throughout as many buildings as possible during the break period.

We thank you for your help and please accept our best wishes for the holidays.

Contributed by Rick Couture

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