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Join IC Toastmasters

Contributed by Kristine Slaght on 01/11/05 

The mission of a Toastmasters club is to provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every member has the opportunity to develop communication and leadership skills, which in turn foster self-confidence and personal growth.

Please join our club as a guest to learn how members strive to improve their day-to-day and public speaking skills. Since the club's inception, six members have received their Competent Toastmaster Award from Toastmasters International by presenting ten brief speeches.

Our current faculty, staff, and Longview members are:

  • Susan Avery
  • Ardie Bennett
  • Mary DeMong
  • Deb Emnett
  • Tanisha Graves
  • Doreen Hettich-Atkins
  • Laurie Hultberg
  • Lori June
  • Brian Martinson
  • Deb Merriman
  • Yuko Mulugetta
  • Jo Anne Rosato
  • Beth Rugg
  • Kristine Slaght
  • Mary Anne Steinmetz
  • Peggy Termina
  • Mary Tomaselli
  • Karin Wikoff

Faculty, staff, students, alumni, and retirees are always welcome. We meet every other Tuesday from 11:00 a.m. to noon on the Ithaca College campus. Please join us as a guest at one of our next meetings: January 18 or February 1 in the Clarke Lounge.

For additional information about the IC chapter of Toastmasters International, please contact president Deb Emnett at 274-3836 or visit Ithaca College Toastmasters.

Contributed by Kristine Slaght

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