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Information Technology Services is pleased to announce that wireless Internet service, ICAirnet, is now available in IC Square, the library, Park 220 and the Friends Computer Complex.

These are our current designated campus "hotspots," but ITS plans on expanding this service to additional locations.

ICAirnet allows students, faculty, and staff to use wireless devices to access the Internet and campus services. As in the past, the library will continue to have loaner wireless laptops available for use in the library.

To access this secure wireless service we recommend that PC laptops use Windows XP with Internet Explorer, and Mac laptops use OS X version 10.2 or above with the Safari browser. Please note, other browsers and operating systems may work but ITS will only be able to help troubleshoot problems with the recommended operating systems and browsers.

To connect to ICAirnet follow these simple steps:

  1. Open the Web browser
  2. Log on using your email username and password
  3. Click "Network Access"
  4. Start browsing

Please remember, connection speeds will vary and laptops require either 802.11b or 802.11g wireless cards to access this service.

More information is available in the ITS main office, 102 Muller Center. For more information about wireless access at Ithaca College, contact the ITS Helpdesk at or 4-3282.

Contributed by Beth Rugg

Wireless Internet Hotspots Available On Campus | 0 Comments |
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