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Do you have a daughter in grades thrree through six? Bring them to join Ithaca College female varsity athletes in celebrating National Girls and Women in Sports Day.

This noncompetitive event is designed to promote and encourage an active lifestyle for girls. It is free and open to the community.

  • Date: Sunday, February 6, 2005
  • Time: Registration begins at Noon, Activities begin at 12:30 pm.
  • Where: Ben Light Gymnasium
  • Activities include an obstacle course, basketball skills, team building activities, face painting, and sign making in support of the Ithaca College gymnasts.

    Activities will take place in conjunction with the IC gymnastics meet vs. Springfield College, MIT, and Cortland.

    A mid-meet intermission will provide hands-on interaction with the varsity athletes as they help the girls in some basic gymnastic skills.

    Contributed by Andrea Hink

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