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Jeff Ives, Ph.D., associate professor in the Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences, recently had published the book, Climbing the Halyards. The 1948 Voyage of the Schooner Bowdoin.

This book is a documentary about a group of high school and college boys, including the author's father, who went on a three month Arctic expedition with the famed explorer Donald MacMillan.

Based on the logbooks of the crewmembers and richly illustrated with hundreds of color photos taken on the trip, the book is already receiving acclaim. Paul Adamthwaite, executive director of the Archives and Collections Society in Ontario, commented that, "We find the documentation and information you have gathered fascinating and your production, photographs, and papers are impressive."

Sponsored by funding from the provost's office and the School of Health Sciences and Human Performance, production of the book was a collaborative effort across the Ithaca College campus. Fred Estabrook and his crew in instructional graphics expertly digitized hundreds of 55-year-old slides, Kathy Barbieri in Instructional Support Services went beyond the call to provide software support, and Wayne French and his crew in the Ithaca College print shop produced a final product worthy of what the archivist at the New Brunswick Museum called, "a beautifully produced book."

Contributed by Patricia E. Green

Collaborative Effort Produces Acclaimed Book | 0 Comments |
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