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Student Information System Update

Contributed by Tom Torello on 01/23/05 

The College is in the midst of the implementation of a new Student Information System (SIS). The software license and maintenance agreements with SunGard SCT for the Banner student solution were signed in June 2004.

This represents a major step forward in our SIS modernization project which includes components for admission, student financials and billing, financial aid, student and course records, registration and degree audit, the integrative Luminis portal and Luminis Data Integration for eLearning, a document imaging system, and SCT Workflow and Operational Data Store (ODS).

The project, which has been named the Banner Administrative System at Ithaca College (BASIC) project, is expected to last approximately two years. It began in August with project space allocated in Boardman Place, located between Smiddy and F Lot, and the hiring of a project manager from Strata Information Group, Meg Gallagher.

For information on the BASIC project (project committees, timeline, software components, etc.), please visit the BASIC project website.
Contributed by Tom Torello

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