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The Center for Faculty Excellence Colloquium Series presents two noontime gatherings with information and conversation, coffee, and treats.

Michael Malpass, anthropology, traveled to Peru to do radiocarbon dating of artifacts there. He and students he traveled with will share their findings and the excitement of the project in an illustrated talk on Tuesday, February 8, 12:10-1:00 pm in the Klingenstein Lounge of the Campus Center. For more information, contact Michael Malpass.

Thursday, February 10, is the first spring Sustainability Cafe. Mark the date and watch for further announcements, or contact Michael Smith for more information. The cafe will be from 12:10 to 1:00 pm in the Klingenstein Lounge of the Campus Center and you are welcome to bring your lunch.

Center for Faculty Excellence

Contributed by Susanne Morgan

Colloquium Programs on Life Then and Now | 0 Comments |
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