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On behalf of the president, Peggy R. Williams, I am pleased to announce the selection of The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien for the Summer 2005 First-Year Reading Initiative. The novel reflects on memories of the war in Viet Nam, and on the connections between past and future, between memory and imagination.

We invite you, the faculty and staff, to serve as discussion leaders for our incoming class on Tuesday, August 23, from 10:00 a.m. to noon (the day after Convocation).

Tanya Saunders will be working with a group of our faculty to offer a preparation session for discussion leaders a week or two before Convocation. Please indicate your interest in volunteering by sending an e-mail message to Tanya Saunders at We look forward to your participation in the campus conversation on The Things They Carried.

Contributed by Peter Bardaglio

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