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On Wednesday, February 2, at 6:30 pm in Emerson Suite B, there will be a screening of two films documenting recent visits to Africa by members of the Ithaca College community.

Theatre professor Cynthia Henderson's Road Trip: Demystifying HIV/AIDS and the Center for LGBT Education's Lisa Maurer's Crossing Borders: Sexual and Reproductive Health in Namibia will be screened, followed by a discussion moderated by politics professor Zillah Eisenstein.

Art and music from each country will be presented before and after the program which is free and open to the public.

For more information contact Cynthia Henderson or Lisa Maurer.

Photo by Lisa Maurer during an awareness-raising march on World AIDS Day 2003 to the border post between Namibia and Angola, an area with a 40% prevalence rate of HIV.

Contributed by Lisa Maurer

AIDS Up Close in Cameroon and Namibia | 0 Comments |
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