The sixth annual Take a Child to Work Day scheduled for Wednesday, April 7, has been postponed. We will keep you updated on future events.
Please look for our new website which will have information on past events. If you are interested in joining our committee to develop the program for 2006, please send an email to Randi Millman-Brown or to JoAnne Rosato.
The national Ms. Foundation's Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day remains scheduled for April 22.
The Ithaca College Take a Child to Work Day committee is an official ad hoc committee through the Office of Human Resources. The following is our mission statement: Take a Child to Work Day offers Ithaca College employees the opportunity to bring children to campus to learn about careers and educational opportunities, promote self-esteem in children, and help make a connection for families between home and career.
Contributed by Randi Millman-Brown