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International Film Seminars, home of the annual Robert Flaherty Film Seminar, has named Patricia R. Zimmermann to its board of trustees.

Zimmermann is professor in the department of cinema and photography and coordinator of the culture and communications program, Division of Interdisciplinary and International Studies. She served as vice president of International Film Seminars from 1989 through 1994.

The Robert Flaherty Film Seminar, celebrating 50 years in 2004, is among the oldest and most prestigious independent media arts organizations in the world.

International Film Seminars, Inc. (IFS) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the proposition that independent media can illuminate the human spirit. Its mission is to foster exploration, dialogue, and introspection about the art and craft of all forms of the moving image. The Robert Flaherty Film Seminar was started in 1954 by Frances Flaherty, the widow of legendary documentary filmmaker Robert Flaherty (Nanook of the North, Moana, Man of Aran, Louisiana Story).

Through its unique annual Robert Flaherty Film Seminar, IFS provides media makers, users, teachers, and students an unparalleled opportunity to confront the core of the creative process and reaffirm the freedom of the independent artist to explore beyond known limits. In an intensive and immersive think-tank environment, the Flaherty encourages participants to renew the challenge to discover, reveal, and illuminate the ways of life of peoples and cultures throughout the world.

Contributed by Melissa Gattine

Zimmermann Named Trustee of International Film Seminars | 0 Comments |
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