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In coordination with the Parking Policy Committee (PPC), the Office of Public Safety has acquired a portable radar unit to monitor vehicle speeds on campus.

Purchased with funds provided by the Tompkins County Stop-DWI Program, the unit will be used by public safety officers to help detect drivers exceeding the posted speed limits, which are 25 m.p.h. on campus roads and 10 m.p.h. in parking lots.

The Parking Policy Committee comprises student, staff, and faculty representatives and meets on a regular basis during the school year to address a variety of questions and situations relating to vehicle operations and enforcement of traffic and parking regulations on campus.

"During recent meetings, campus constituencies have discussed concerns about excessive speeding by vehicles on campus," says Bob Holt, director of the Office of Public Safety. "As a result, in order to help provide a safer campus environment for motorists and pedestrians alike, it was decided to acquire the radar unit."

Originating as an acronym for Radio Detection and Ranging, radar is the basic tool used by police agencies to detect speeding violations. Each Ithaca College public safety officer will receive 30-plus hours of instruction in the proper setup, testing, and operation of the radar instrument. In this course, each radar operator also is required to demonstrate proficiency in visually estimating the speed of a moving vehicle.

This enforcement program will begin on Monday, February 14, and will provide public safety officers with the opportunity to monitor speeds on campus and issue citations when violations are observed. Motorists are asked to please drive safely and observe all traffic rules and regulations both on campus and off.

Contributed by David Maley

Office of Public Safety to Use Portable Radar Unit | 0 Comments |
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