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The first Spring Sustainability Cafe in the Center for Faculty Excellence Colloquium Series takes place on Thursday, February 10, 12:10-1:00 pm, Klingenstein Lounge.

Almost exactly one year since the first Café, this is a good time for a reckoning. Many people on campus remain puzzled by the word "sustainability." Others are frustrated by the low profile of sustainability in many places on campus. We initiate this year's Café series with an open forum: "The 'S' Word: Is Sustainability a Dirty Word?"

For this forum to fulfill its function each of us needs to invite someone we know from the campus community who is (a) interested in sustainability but still doesn't have a good idea of what it's all about or (b) a doubter. These voices will be a central part of the forum. They will help us all clarify our vision and agenda and hopefully educate a few more people on campus about the value of the sustainability initiative.

Fifty minutes is not a very long time for an exchange of ideas -- so attendees will be asked to limit their observations and comments to two minutes each. This café will hopefully be the foundation for a longer forum later in the spring.

For more information, please contact Michael Smith or Susanne Morgan. For the full Colloquium series, see the Center for Faculty Excellence.

Contributed by Susanne Morgan

The 'S' Word: Is Sustainability a Dirty Word? | 0 Comments |
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