Ithaca College welcomes our new faculty and staff to the campus community.
- Paul Babiarz, lecturer, business administration
- Maureen Baringer, lecturer, therapeutic recreation and leisure services
- Steve Bellardini, database administrator, information systems and services
- Michelle Berry, lecturer, television and radio
- Kevin Billet, lecturer, sport management and media
- Marcy Brandt, assistant director, financial aid
- Phil Buckenmeyer, lecturer, exercise and sport sciences
- Kathryn Caldwell, lecturer, psychology
- John Callister, lecturer, business administration
- Anna Cherian, lecturer, chemistry
- Joanne Conley, lecturer, business administration
- Nina Cummings, lecturer, sociology
- Wendy Dann-Mirskin, lecturer, theater arts
- Lynda Dimitroff, lecturer, physical therapy
- Barb Dybwad, multimedia lab technician, media production facilities and services
- Susan Engelkemeyer, dean, School of Business
- David Feeney, lecturer, sport management and media
- David Furber, lecturer, history
- Lynn Gerstein, lecturer, sociology
- Donna Gotch, lecturer, JB Pendleton Center, Los Angeles
- Karla Hanson, lecturer, health promotion and physical education
- Bernard Jackson, assistant professor, philosophy/religion
- Alison LaGarry, admission clerk, admission office
- Rachel Lampert, lecturer, theater arts
- Bill Larsen, lecturer, chemistry
- Shelley Lewis-Stanley, lecturer, mathematics and computer science
- Eric Mac Caull, assistant coach, intercollegiate athletics
- Jamibeth Margolis, lecturer, theatre arts
- Raluca Mateescu, lecturer, biology
- Jerry McConnell, database administrator, information systems and services
- Kyle McFall, master mechanic, maintenance
- Meghan McNally, lecturer, occupational therapy
- Danielle Mericle, lecturer, cinema and photography
- James Miller, lecturer, music theory, history and composition
- Sharon Mullins, assistant coach, intercollegiate athletics
- David Nelson, lecturer, occupational therapy
- Pilar Parra, lecturer, sociology
- Lisa Patti, lecturer, cinema and photography
- Victor Penniman, lecturer, music theory, history and composition
- David Peppel, lecturer, therapeutic recreation and leisure services
- Matthew Peterson, lecturer, business administration
- Brian Peterson, lecturer, physics
- Margaret Piccoli, lecturer, modern languages and literatures
- Guy Prevost, lecturer, JB Pendleton Center, Los Angeles
- Crystal Ridley, nurse aide, Hammond Health Center
- Robert Ross, lecturer, biology
- Joel Rubin, assistant professor, music performance
- Mary Seamon, lecturer, occupational therapy
- Lauren Signer, lecturer, sociology
- Mary Skinner, lecturer, philosophy/religion
- Eric Sterbenk, lecturer, cinema and photography
- Pamela Sullivan, lecturer, physical therapy
- Kristine Tenebruso, lecturer, physical therapy
- Paul Toporek, lecturer, physical therapy
- Rebecca Utz, costume shop assistant, theater arts
- Rob Vanderlan, lecturer, history
- Dawid Vermaak, studio technician, media production facilities and services
- Sylvia Vitazkova, lecturer, biology
- John Winslow, lecturer, exercise and sport sciences
- Mark Witmer, lecturer, biology
- Nancy Zahler, lecturer, therapeutic recreation and leisure services
Contributed by Martha A. Turnbull