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The Ithaca College School of Music will help Rotary International celebrate its centennial with a free concert by the symphonic band and chorus on Wednesday, February 23, at 8:15 p.m. in Ford Hall.

The Ithaca College School of Music will help Rotary International celebrate its centennial with a free concert by the symphonic band and chorus on Wednesday, February 23, at 8:15 p.m. in Ford Hall.

Henry Neubert and Janet Galván will conduct a program that will include selections from Star Wars, the Beatles, Billy Joel, and George Gershwin.

Rotary was founded in Chicago by an attorney, a coal dealer, a mining engineer, and a merchant tailor to promote fellowship among business and professional people. The organization is based on the motto "Service Above Self." Ithaca's Rotary Club, founded in 1915, is one of the oldest of the 32,000 Rotary Clubs. The local club has over 200 members.

Free parking is available in the J-lot on the Ithaca College campus. More information on these performances is available by calling 607-274-3717

Concert to Celebrate 100 Years of Rotary | 0 Comments |
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