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The Roy H. Park School of Communications at Ithaca College is pleased to announce the Independent Media Internship Awards.

These awards, funded by a generous benefactor, will provide $2,500 for each of 10 students who will work as summer interns at one of the following independent media sites:

  • Center for Media and Democracy, Madison, WI
  • Center for Public Integrity, Washington, DC (2 awards)
  • Common Cause, Washington, DC
  • DemocracyNow!, New York City
  • Free Press, Northampton, MA
  •, New York City
  • National Security News Service, Washington, DC
  • Working Films, Wilmington, NC
  • VisionTV, Toronto

Qualifying students must have a 3.25 GPA, as well as a minimum of 45 hours earned toward their degree at the time the internship begins.

The cash awards will be granted to 10 students to be chosen by the Independent Media Internship Committee. The chosen students must register for a summer internship of between 1.0 and 3.0 credits in order to receive the award. Applications can be found at the Park School website, under "Special Internships."

Deadline for applications is Friday, March 25 at 4 p.m.

If you have any questions, please contact John Hochheimer, associate professor in the television-radio and journalism departments and coordinator of the Independent Media Internship Award program, 274-1033.

Internship Opportunities for Students at Independent Media Sites | 0 Comments |
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