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LeaderShip VI Invitation

Contributed by Tanisha Malone on 02/17/05 

We are excited to announce that the sixth offering of LeaderShip will begin on April 5–6. Please visit the website: for a detailed explanation of the program including dates and an application form.

We encourage you to consider participating in the program or nominate individuals who you feel have demonstrated leadership capacity or potential and have expressed a desire to grow.

We will select a group of 24 employees. Participants must commit to all aspects of the program.

The application must be completed and submitted to Mary Tomaselli by March 2, 2005. If an application form has already been submitted, please confirm interest in participation by contacting Mary at 274-3083.

In alignment with the institutional plan, LeaderShip provides the opportunity to develop leadership skills in an environment of support and camaraderie with a diverse cohort of fellow Ithaca College employees. LeaderShip participants find the program to be a rewarding experience, enhancing their effectiveness and productivity at work and in their personal lives as well.

Thank you for your support of this very important program.

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