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Amy Villarejo will speak on technology, cinema, and desire in Hollywood films made in 1939, a pivotal year in the history of cinema. The talk is part of the 24th annual Women Direct Series, Reverse Engineering: Digitalities, Sensualities, Technologies,

February 21
"Technologies of Intervention: Making Films in 1939"
Amy Villarejo
Park Auditorium 3:00 p.m.

Amy Villarejo is associate professor and director of the feminist, gender, and sexuality studies program. She teaches courses in film history and theory (including a recent seminar on the films of 1939) as well as courses in gender and sexuality studies at Cornell. She is author of Lesbian Rule: Cultural Criticism and the Value of Desire (Duke 2003), co-editor of Keyframes: Popular Film and Cultural Studies (Routledge, 2001) and co-author of Queen Christina (BFI Publishing, 1995). She has also published articles (including a recent article on radical graphic art, called "Activist Technologies: THINK AGAIN) in journals such as Social Text, GLQ and New German Critique.

Please note that the lecture has been changed to 3:00 p.m. rather than 7:00 p.m. as on previous publicity.

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