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Staff Council Bus trip

Contributed by Beth Hulbert on 02/22/05 

Tired of the winter blues and gloomy days of Ithaca? How about spending the day in New York City?

The Staff Council Bus trip committee is offering a Spring trip to NYC on April 9, 2005. The cost of the trip is $37 and includes round-trip transportation from O-lot to Radio City Music Hall. The bus will depart from O-lot at 6:00 am with one stop for breakfast on the way to New York.

The bus will depart from Radio City Music at 7:00 pm with estimated arrival at IC around 11:00 pm.
Anyone who wishes to reserve a seat for this event, please contact committee member Barbie Odell, 274-3814. All seats are reserved on a first come, first served basis.

Payment to reserve a seat will need to be made in person, by check, to Barbie Odell by 5:00 pm on Monday March 28.

We hope you will join us on this trip!
Staff Council Bus trip Committee

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