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Mona Lake Jones -- a Seattle poet laureate, educator, and community activist -- will use her own poetry, experience, and insight to present information about the positive effects of cultural affirmation on the achievement of Black youth. She will especially examine the relationship between how Black youth feel about themselves and the nature of the learning environments in which they are expected to perform.

Location: Clark Lounge in the Campus Center -- Ithaca College
Date: Tuesday, March 1
Time: 7:15 p.m.
Free and open to all!

Jones has been published in Essence Magazine and is the author of two books of poetry, The Color of Culture and The Color of Culture II. She also recently released a CD, Poetry Dancing on Music. In addition, she has received the Langston Hughes Award for literary contributions to the arts and the Blackbird Literary Award, presented to a published author who has given time to the community.

This event is free, handicapped accessible, and open to the public.

Cosponsored by the Center for Teacher Education, the Office of Multicultural Affairs, the Department of English, and the Diversity Awareness Committee, at Ithaca College. For more information about the event, contact Prof. Jeff Claus, 274-1342.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodation should contact the Office of Affirmative Action at 607-274-3909 (voice), 607-274-1767 (TDD), or

"Lifting Achievement Through Cultural Affirmation and Celebration" -- Mona Lake Jones | 0 Comments |
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