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Gordon Webb, assistant professor in the television-radio department, won an award of excellence in the faculty audio competition at the 2005 Broadcast Education Association (BEA) Festival of Media Arts competition. Webb will be honored at the association’s annual conference in Las Vegas in April.

The Broadcast Education Association is the organization for professors, students, and professionals involved in teaching and research related to radio, television, and electronic media education.

Webb's piece, "Jukebox," was one of a series of humorous promos written to publicize public radio. Each production suggests a bizarre method for funding public radio if it were not for stations' annual "pledge breaks," and in the winning example -- a couple must pay for their public radio listening by placing coins in a "jukebox" device connected to their radio. The complete series of "Pledge Break Alternative" radio promos has been aired on WSKG-FM in Binghamton.

The promos feature Suzannah Berryman, Greg Bostwick and Krista Scott from the Department of Theater Arts and local actor Bob Finley, whose voices were originally recorded as a class project in Webb's audio production class. Then Webb, who wrote the scripts, added music and sound effects to complete the scenarios.

Webb to Be Honored at BEA Conference | 5 Comments |
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Webb to Be Honored at BEA Conference Comment from ghirardo on 02/28/05
Gordon, Great News!!!

wish we were going to be there. Like Vegas needs more of our money.

Again, CONGRATS!!!!
Webb to Be Honored at BEA Conference Comment from hoch on 02/28/05
Gordon --

Congatulations on a job well done! No one is more deserving of this honor than you.

Keep up the good work.

John Hochheimer
Journalism and TV/Radio
Webb to Be Honored at BEA Conference Comment from pphelps on 02/28/05
Congratulations Gordon, All the best, Pat & Leon Phelps
Webb to Be Honored at BEA Conference Comment from wheatley on 02/28/05
Hey Gordon,

More proof that radio is going to be the next Big Thing!

Chris Wheatley
Webb to Be Honored at BEA Conference Comment from shamula on 02/28/05
This is wonderful news again for you from BEA. It's great that they continue to recognize your talent and contributions.
-Scott Hamula