The Rev. Allison Stokes, Ph.D., the Ithaca College Protestant chaplain, will retire at the close of this academic year in May. Allison will be focusing her time and energies on writing projects and on developing the Women's Interfaith Institute in Seneca Falls, a nonprofit organization where she is founding director.
Allison became chaplain four years ago. During her tenure the Protestant community has grown in outreach and strength. Sunday worship has a strong and faithful attendance. There is Evensong, a Wednesday evening student-led worship service, as well as service activities and fellowship. The community now has a part-time associate, the Rev. J.K. Boodley. Financially the community has moved to a more secure footing with increased giving by parents and local churches. The College provides financial support for all three chapel communities.
Under Allison's leadership the Ithaca College Protestant Community has grown and matured. She will be missed.
A search committee is in the process of selecting the next chaplain, who will assume the position in August. Members of the IC community are encouraged to assist in the process by getting word out about the opening. Inquires should be addressed to the Protestant Community Search Committee, Muller Chapel.
John Schwartz
President, Ithaca College Protestant Community Board of Directors