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Why become a foreign correspondent? Tamar Morad, a former Wall Street Journal and Jerusalem Post reporter currently teaching at Ithaca College, will discuss the excitement, challenges, and rewards of foreign reporting, and what it takes to become an international journalist. This event will occur Tuesday, March 1, 12:10 - 1:05 p.m. in room 220 of Roy H. Park Hall.

Morad started her journalism career at the Wall Street Journal in New York where she had several beats including a weekly column on executive recruitment and pay. Prior to that, she had a weekly column on consumer issues in the paper's now-defunct regional editions. In 1999 she moved to Israel where she was initially the Jerusalem municipal reporter for the Jerusalem Post and then a reporter for the Israeli daily Ha'aretz. In Israel, she also freelanced for Wall Street Journal Europe and Israeli High Tech Investor magazine.

In 2002, Morad returned to the U.S. and worked as a producer for On Point, the nationally-syndicated radio news show produced at Boston's National Public Radio affiliate WBUR. Today, in addition to her teaching duties at Ithaca College, she freelances for various publications. Her recent articles have been published in the Boston Globe, the Forward, Ha'aretz, and Cornell Alumni magazine.

The talk is sponsored by the Ithacan as part of its "First Tuesdays" series, an informal discussion group for students, faculty, and staff to examine issues in the media. It is free and open to the public. Brown bag lunches are welcome.

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