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With all this great snow out there, it's time to get out and treat yourself to a day of outdoor adventure. The Outdoor Recreation Equipment Center (OREC) is running special hours and discounts over spring break to accommodate your recreational needs.

The weather forecast has snow predicted for the next eight days and it is the perfect opportunity to check out the Ithaca College Recreation Trail (located behind the Terraces). If you have yet to use the IC Rec Trail, now is the time to pick up a pair of snowshoes or cross-country ski's and make a day of it.

OREC Spring Break Hours

Friday, March 4, noon-2 p.m.
Tuesday, March 8, noon-2 p.m.
Friday, March 11, noon-2 p.m.
Sunday, March 13, 7-8:30 p.m.

*Special Discounts*
Double your rental time: rent gear for either three or four full days for the price of a two-day rental.
Friday, March 3 - Tuesday, March 8
Tuesday, March 8 - Friday, March 11
Friday, March 11 - Sunday March 13

Wooden Sherpa $3.00 (1 day rental)
Tubbs (Altitude 30 and 25) $7.00 (1 day rental)

X-country skis, boots, and poles $10.00 (1 day rental)

In addition to rental fees, a $25.00 cash or check deposit is required that will be returned to you if the gear is returned on time and in good condition.

For additional information, check us out at

Outdoor Recreation Equipment Center Spring Break Hours | 0 Comments |
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