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OfficeMax is now an official alternative office supply company for online purchases.

The Purchasing Department offers OfficeMax for online office supplies purchases using a procurement card. For more information, see the department's website section on "Office Supplies" at or call Gail Wagner at 4-1482.

Alternative Vendor Approved for Office Supply Purchases | 2 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Alternative Vendor Approved for Office Supply Purchases Comment from bleblanc on 03/08/05
Am I blind? I didn't see anything on the purchasing/office supplies site for Office Max.
Alternative Vendor Approved for Office Supply Purchases Comment from leverett on 03/08/05
The ITS office does a lot of business with OfficeMax/Boise and we find we have saved a lot using them. OfficeMax and Boise have merged and are one and the same. When you purchase something from Boise, your receipt says OfficeMax. Although this should be noted on the Purchasing web site so new users of OfficeMax will know to select Boise from the Purchasing site.