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The Center for Student Leadership and Involvement is seeking nominations for the William Scoones Community Service Award. The award was established to provide recognition for students who have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to community service.

The criteria for the award are as follows:

  • Performed an act or acts of service that had significant impact, either on an individual or group in the Ithaca community.
  • Gave sustained service over and above normal expectations.
  • Positively encouraged the spirit of volunteerism and demonstrated commitment and dedication to the cause.
  • Fostered a positive relationship between Ithaca College and the surrounding community.
  • Promoted involvement of others in Community Service.
  • Maintained a minimum 2.5 GPA and good judicial standing at the time the award recipients are chosen and presented.

Students, faculty, or staff members can nominate worthy recipients by e-mailing names to Deb Mohlenhoff, or by calling 274-1380. Nominated students will then be sent an application packet. Please submit all nominations by March 18. The awards will be presented at the annual Celebration of Service on April 15, 2005.

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