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Rosemary Bakker will be visiting Ithaca College the week of March 14 as a visiting scholar at the Gerontology Institute. Bakker is a certified interior designer and a research associate in gerontologic design in medicine at Cornell's Weill Medical College in New York.

While at Ithaca College, Bakker will guest lecture in several classes as well as meet with Gerontology Institute fellows and affiliates. She will also be speaking at a faculty colloquium.

Bakker's public lecture will be on Tuesday, March 15, at 7:00 p.m. in Emerson Suites. Her presentation is titled "Design and Environment: Living Long, Living Well." This program is free and open to the public. A reception will follow immediately after the formal presentation.

For additional information contact Terry Beckley, 274-1967.

ICGI Distinguished Speaker and Scholar | 0 Comments |
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