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The 2005 C.P. Snow Scholar Award deadline is Thursday, March 24

This is a reminder to faculty and students that the deadline is next week for application for the award.

2005 C.P. Snow Scholar Award

Has your student career at Ithaca College been based on a perspective that bridges science and humanities? Do you believe that sciences and humanities can and should be integrated? You may then be a candidate for the C. P. Snow Scholar Award! The award, which includes a certificate and $500, recognizes a student who has successfully combined scientific and humanistic studies at Ithaca College. Presentation of the award will be made on March 29, at the C. P. Snow Lecture of William Rathje.

C.P. Snow was a British philosopher, physicist, biographer, novelist, and social critic who believed that communication between mainstream scientists, social scientists, and humanists was the greatest avenue to social progress. Each year, Ithaca College sponsors a lecture series and student award that honor this principle.


  • Applications made by faculty nomination or by student self-nomination.
  • Student must show an interdisciplinary humanities and science orientation
  • Two letters of recommendation from faculty
  • Minimum 3.0 GPA (submit transcript)
  • 1,000 word essay. This should discuss how sciences and humanities may be integrated and how you have accomplished this perspective.

Deadline: Thursday, March 17, 2005. Submit applications to Jack Rossen, 102 Gannett, anthropology department, 274-3326.

You may also contact Jack Rossen with any questions.

C.P. Snow Scholar Award: deadline approaching | 0 Comments |
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