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With just under a month to go and with over 90 featured items already in house, the Bursar's Benefit Auction will fulfill your every dream! Today we will focus on some of the items that are especially for you -- things that you can pamper yourself with at your leisure.

One of the big attractions to this year's auction is the addition of many more gift baskets. There is truly something for everyone! Among the baskets being auctioned off this year are:

  • Aroma Wine Therapy (includes wine, candles, and items with a wine/grape theme)

  • Fun in the Sun (featuring a beach bag, picnic plates, cups, and cutlery, disposable camera and photo album, sunglasses, visor, etc.)

  • Baby Basket (all sorts of cute items for your child, from pacifiers to bottles)

  • Doggie Basket and Kitty Basket (everything from toys to treats and grooming items)

  • Gardening Basket (housed in an adorable wheelbarrow, includes seeds, gloves, and gardening necessities as well as a garden stone)

  • Kiddie Baskets for both boys and girls (featuring all sorts of fun toys and games for the kid in all of us)

  • Baking Basket (you will be all set with a bowl, mixes, and other baking items).

In addition to the baskets, we have a three-hour limo service provided by In Style Limousine -- a beautiful, black BMW limo that seats six. The limo will be on display the day of the auction outside the Campus Center. After this harsh winter, you deserve to be pampered in a limo!

Please mark your calendars now. The Bursar's Benefit Auction will be held on Thursday, April 14, in the Clark Lounge of the Campus Center. Silent auction begins at 10:00 am and ends promptly at 12:15 pm. Live auction will be held from 12:30 to 1:30 pm. See you there!

Bursar's Benefit Auction -- Something for Everyone | 0 Comments |
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