FROM: Peggy R. Williams, President
SUBJECT: Quality of Work Life Initiative for staff launched
One of the priorities of the College’s Institutional Plan is quality of work life. As we continue to address this priority, I am pleased to announce a new initiative that will focus on IC staff and administrators.
From March through May, we have enlisted independent organizational development consultants to assist us with a series of activities, including interviews and focus groups, designed to gather valuable feedback and ideas relevant to quality of work life for staff and administrators at Ithaca College.
As we begin this multi-faceted initiative, we have invited our LeaderShip program graduates to attend an all-day meeting on March 31. I look forward to the wealth of resources and energy among the LeaderShip alumni as they bring their experience and insights to this initiative. During the following weeks, the consultants will carry out individual interviews and focus groups with stakeholders from a cross-section of departments and units. There will be opportunities for any interested staff to participate in this process. We look forward to what we all will learn from this important initiative.
Michael McGreevey will be working closely with our consultants on this important project; please contact him if you have any questions.
Thank you, in advance, for your support of this initiative.