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Celebrities and Fitness and Fun

Contributed by Anne Woodard on 03/20/05 

What do Scott Hamilton, Henry Winkler, Guster, Five for Fighting, Quincy Jones, Patty Griffin, Paul Newman, Jim Kelly, Marla Runyan, Vanna White and Pat Sajak, and the casts of Law and Order and One Tree Hill have in common?

They (and others!) have all donated something to the third annual Bursar's Benefit Auction -- items that can be yours! Getting ready for summer fun? Just look at the opportunities that await you at the auction.

For the fitness minded, donations have been received for a year's membership to the IC Wellness Clinic, for four sessions with a personal trainer at the Fitness Center, a one month membership at Curves for Women, and a stability ball.

In the mood for fun? Our auction items include a three hour limo service from In Style Limo, various gourmet foods and coffee, a season's dance lessons from Ithaca Academy of Dance, a DVD player, games and puzzles, stays at local inns, and dining options at local restaurants. Start planning your bidding strategy now -- these items will go quickly!

The third annual Bursar's Benefit Auction will be held on Thursday, April 14, in the Clark Lounge of the Campus Center. Viewing of all items begins at 10:00 AM, as does the silent auction. The silent auction ends promptly at 12:15 PM, and the live auction begins at 12:30 PM for approximately one hour. Back by popular demand, esteemed auctioneers Sam Lapp and Duane Corbin will be your hosts.

All proceeds from the auction will be divided evenly and sent to the Alzheimers Association, Tompkins County SPCA, and Scott Hamilton CARES Initiative. Auction items are updated daily, and the full list can be viewed at the Bursar's Office, Job Hall, by request. See you April 14th!

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