Three Ithaca College professors will critique journalism’s relationship with occupied spaces in a post 9/11 world as the kickoff panel for the inaugural Occupied Spaces Symposium April 8 at the Roy H. Park School of Communications.
The three professors and an internationally known DJ/VJ from the State University of New York at Purchase will present “Occupations in a post 9/11 World: Representations, Mediations, Constructions,” at 10:15 am in Park 220 on April 8.
Asma Barlas, Ithaca College politics professor, will present “Media Reflections: Ignorance of a Hegemonic Imagination.”
Chris Campbell, Ithaca College journalism professor and department chair, will present “Commodifying 9/11: Occupation, Hegemony and the U.S. media.”
Tammy Shapiro, professor of organizational communication learning and design, will present “Ignoring Reality from the Roof of the Palestine Hotel: Journalistic Responsibility and Truth.”
Art Jones, a professor of new media at the State University of New York at Purchase, will present “How to Dismantle the Empire of Mediation.”
Jones will be the keynote performer at the symposium at 8:00 pm with a live audio/visual performance and DJ/VJ battle incorporating multiple video streams and music. He will use and remix audio and visual elements from mainstream news, commercial, entertainment and alternative media to critique how images validate and promote the idea of a benign “new American empire.” Images of embedded war journalism, prisoner torture, modern combat, and post 9/11 security and surveillance form the source material for the live remix.
The Occupied Spaces Symposium will feature a series of talks, research presentations, panels and performances dealing with gender, race, geography, and symbolic occupations nationally and internationally. The public is invited to all sessions at no charge. For questions, please contact Sharon Mazzarella, 274-1029.