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Students to Have Intercom Access

Contributed by Brian McAree on 03/27/05 

Beginning Monday, April 4, students will be able to log in and participate in Intercom. To meet student needs, Intercom will also include two new topic areas specifically for students.

Student Organizations -- this new topic will contain information submitted by registered student organization representatives. Based on the list of registered organizations maintained by the Center for Student Leadership and Involvement, designated representatives will be able to submit information to this topic. This topic will be used by student organizations to publicize events and achievements of interest to the entire campus community. All submissions must comply with the Ithaca College Advertising and Solicitation policy as well as all other College policies.

News for Students will contain information specifically for students. These stories will be submitted by faculty and staff. News may be about events and happenings on campus or specific information about the services on campus that affect students.

Please join us in welcoming the students to this important means of communication at Ithaca College.

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