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My Big Fat Benefit Auction

Contributed by Anne Woodard on 03/27/05 

Didn't you just love the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding? Well, now you can own a DVD of it, signed by the star, Nia Vardalos! The DVD and an autographed photo of Nia are just a few of the new items we received recently for the bursar's benefit auction.

Some of our new celebrity donations include autographed photos of Whoopi Goldberg, Switchfoot, Charlie Sheen (with the cast of Two and A Half Men), football great Lynn Swann, John Mayer and Faith Hill, who sent along a certificate to enable you to have your photo from her personalized to you! Additionally, esteemed mystery author Mary Higgins Clark donated a signed copy of her book, Remember Me.

If celebrities are not your thing, we have also received new donations that will pamper and entertain you or add to your collections of valuable items. Two porcelain Shirley Temple dolls will be offered, as will a gift certificate from Lenga Dairy Collectibles. If you like handmade items, we have several afghans and a couch cover, a handmade purse, and a beautiful mirror made with antique wood.

Had a hard week? Relax in a hot tub with three of your friends for a weekend or escape to one of several inns offering getaway packages. Intrigued by trying something new? Try a season of dance lessons with Ithaca Academy of Dance, a year's subscription to Ithaca College Theatre, or tickets to concerts featuring the Cayuga Chamber Orchestra. Looking for a photo to hang on your wall, and want one that nobody else will have? Be sure to bid on the photo donated by our very own president, Peggy Williams!

The bursar's benefit auction will be held on Thursday, April 14, in the Clark Lounge of the Campus Center. The silent auction and item preview begins at 10:00 am and ends promptly at 12:15 pm.

Sam Lapp and Duane Corbin will begin the live auction at 12:30 pm. If you haven't heard these folks before, it is worth the trip just to see them!

Proceeds from the auction will be sent to the Tompkins County SPCA, the Alzheimers Association, and the Scott Hamilton CARES Initiative. Current and up to date lists of donations can be viewed at the Bursar's Office, Job Hall. See you in two weeks!

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