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Israel Education Week

Contributed by Melinda Butler on 03/30/05 

A series of events is offered for Israel Education Week.

Monday, April 4

9:00 am -- Hebrew and Jewish Identity
Friends 207 in Michael Faber's Hebrew class
Hebrew language as a repository and transmitter of Jewish Culture

Noon -- Good Fences make Good Neighbors
Clarke Lounge -- Get to the bottom of the debate over Israel's controversial "separate fence"

5:00 pm -- An Army of the People
Seminar room (next to rec center)
Through popular Israeli TV shows, examine different and fascinating aspects of serving in the Israeli Defense Force and how army service affects Israelis

8:00 pm -- Palestinian-Israeli Conflict 101
Emerson B
History of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the current crisis

Tuesday April 5

10:00 am-noon -- The Great Divide
Emerson A - Faculty workshop
Explores four proposed solutions to the Arab-Israeli conflict of sovereignty over the city of Jerusalem

Noon -- "Shir La Shalom"
Emerson A
Exploring songs from various military campaigns in Israel's short history, and how they reflect the events and political sentiment of the people at that time.

4:00-5:15 pm: Responding to Anti-Semitism
Phillips Room
Study contemporary anti-Semitism and consider how to respond

7:30 pm: The Great Divide
Location is off campus at Temple Beth-El (East Court Street at North Tioga)
Talk for the Ithaca Jewish community; explores four proposed solutions to the Arab-Israeli conflict of sovereignty over the city of Jerusalem

These events are sponsored by Hillel and are part of Jewish Awareness Month

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