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Caribbean filmmakers Howard and Mitzi Allen of HAMA Productions will return to Ithaca College in April for the North American premiere of Diablesse, their third feature film.

Diablesse is a humorous look at Caribbean folklore, particularly the oral tradition of storytelling. The story unfolds in one night in which the "she-devil" Diablesse attempts to find a husband and get married before sunrise.

Sudhanshu Saria, an Ithaca College student now in the Park School's Los Angeles program, was an intern on the film and is given credit for his work on the one-hour movie. The Caribbean premiere for the movie was March 23 in St. John's, Antigua.

The North American screening, scheduled for 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, April 6, in Textor 103, is free to the public. The presentation also includes a behind-the-scenes feature about the making of Diablesse.

It was written by Howard Allen, who is also the director, and Jermilla Kirwan, who also has a starring role. Diablesse was shot entirely on location in Antigua in just one week. Howard and Mitzi Allen are the executive producers.

The North American premieres of HAMA's first two feature films -- The Sweetest Mango and No Seed -- also were held at Ithaca College.

While on campus April 6-8, the Allens also will speak to classes in the Roy H. Park School of Communications, meet with faculty members from across campus, and interview candidates for internships with HAMA Productions. To arrange for interviews, contact Janice Levy, associate professor of cinema and photography, at 274-3643.

The Ithaca premiere and the presentations by Howard and Mizi Allen are sponsored by the Roy H. Park School of Communications and the Office of the Provost.

Caribbean Filmmakers to Screen Movie April 6 | 0 Comments |
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