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The following Ithaca College seniors were inducted into Alpha Delta Sigma: Christine Dorney, Sean Connacher, Nicole Steenburgh, Amanda Cobb, Molly McElroy, Yvone Chun, Lauren Hill, Lindsay de la Rigavdiere, Meghan Mosher, Mark Darwak, Rebecca Smith, Mary Nhotsavang, Ryan Wistreich, Kristen Barry, Kimberly Cooper, Devon Malcom, Sylvia Hlakusheva, Erin Coyne, Jennifer Herbolsheimer, Natasha Bhagat, Thomas Sears, and Lindsey Kolbe.

Alpha Delta Sigma is a national honorary society sponsored by American Advertising Federation (AAF) that recognizes and encourages scholastic achievement in advertising studies.

Students Named to Advertising Honor Society | 0 Comments |
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