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April 11, 2005
3:00-5:00 PM
North Meeting Room, Campus Center

Come learn about exciting new projects for improving campus access for people with disabilities.

The Environmental Access Initiative is a consortium of Ithaca College staff members representing various departments who have engaged in an experiential learning seminar about disability issues throughout the spring semester. In interactive group sessions, participants increased their understanding of human abilities/limitations, Universal Design principles, ADA guidelines, and environmental design/modification issues.

Each participant then applied this knowledge by designing a service-oriented accessibility project that is directly beneficial to the Ithaca College community. Please attend the EAI open house to hear presentations about the great work being done by EAI participants to improve access for people with disabilities.

For more information, please contact the Office of Affirmative Action and EEO at 274-3909, 274-1767 (TDD), or Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodation should contact the Office of Affirmative Action much in advance of the event as possible.

Environmental Access Initiative Open House and Reception | 0 Comments |
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