Before you know it students, faculty, staff, and administrators will be rushing to be the first ones in to view the goods at the bursar's benefit auction! With prize balloons, both a silent and live auction, and a few surprises, it's no wonder that folks will want to get there early!
Special deals for students will be offered as well! Not convinced yet? Well, here are our top 10 reasons that you should come to our auction:
1. You can be the only one in your crowd with a Guster CD that cannot be purchased.
2. You can buy gourmet treats and pass them off as your own.
3. You can check out over 140 items from your colleagues, local merchants, and celebrities, and have fun trying to outbid your buddies for them.
4. You can bid on a limo that will drive you around town, allowing you the opportunity to wave at your astonished friends.
5. You can buy a prize balloon and obtain a prize worth more than the cost of the balloon.
6. You can obtain a large basket of assorted goodies already wrapped and decked out with an impressive bow to give to your unsuspecting friends.
7. You and three friends might obtain a hot tub rental for a whole weekend.
8. You can own memorabilia from two recent commencement speakers, Scott Hamilton and Henry Winkler.
9. You can proudly say that you were there when others are talking sadly about the great auction they missed.
10. You can make the bursettes happy by supporting three great charities and having fun at the same time!
The bursar's benefit auction will be held in Clark Lounge on Thursday, April 14. Preview of items and silent auction begin at 10:00 am and end promptly at 12:15 pm. Auctioneers Sam Lapp and Duane Corbin will enterain you from 12:30 to 1:30 pm for the live auction. Prize balloons will be sold until they run out!
A website with previews of our items is under construction, and can be accessed at As always, a complete list of items can be viewed at the bursar's office in Job Hall.
See you soon!