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Sandra Herndon, professor of organizational communication, learning, and design, will deliver the inaugural Culture and Communication Distinguished Faculty Lecture on April 11, 2005, at 7:00 p.m. in 220 Park Hall. A reception will follow the lecture.

Her lecture, "Seeing Organizations through Metaphor: 'Little Boxes' versus Webs and Weather," examines what metaphors tell us about changes in organizations and technology.

Sandra L. Herndon is professor and chair of the graduate program in the Roy H. Park School of Communications. She was one of the original designers of the Ithaca College culture and communication major in the Division of Interdisciplinary and International Studies. In 2002, she was the recipient of the Ithaca College Excellence in Service Award. Her edited volumes include Qualitative Research: Applications in Organizational Life; Communication in Recovery: Perspectives on Twelve-Step Groups; and Talking to Strangers: Mediated Therapeutic Communication. She serves on numerous editorial boards and is past president of the Eastern Communication Association. This lecture is her final presentation before retiring.

The lecture is sponsored by the Division of Interdisciplinary and International Studies. For further information, contact Patricia R. Zimmermann, coordinator, culture and communication program, Division of Interdisciplinary and International Studies.

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