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Seven students are presenting work at the Conference for Undergraduate Research in Communication at Rochester Institute of Technology on April 6.

Their presentations are based on classwork from Dr. Christine Iacobucci's
Research and Evaluation class this fall.

Nick Bartone ’05, Nicole Brierre ’06, Brian Dashew ’06, and Stephanie Hunt ’06 will lead a session titled, “Gauging student understanding of issues and candidates in the 2004 presidential election."

Jessica Bona ’05, Emily Bourque ’06, and Alyson Buck ’06 will lead a session titled, “Voting attitudes and behaviors of Ithaca College students in the 2004 Presidential Election: A descriptive retrospective analysis.”

Students from OCLD course to present at Conference for Undergraduate Research in Communication | 3 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Students from OCLD course to present at Conference for Undergraduate Research in Communication Comment from jhwhite on 04/06/05
That's very cool. Congratulations everyone.
Students from OCLD course to present at Conference for Undergraduate Research in Communication Comment from henderso on 04/07/05
It might have been "cooler" had the students actually attended the conference and done the presentation--which they did not, informing the organizers the night before in a one-line sentence. This is not the image of Ithaca College we need to send out to other schools.
Students from OCLD course to present at Conference for Undergraduate Research in Communication Comment from jbona1 on 04/07/05
Although one of the groups was unable to attend the conference at RIT, Alyson Buck and I (Jessica Bona) did attend the conference and preseted our research on the 2004 Election.

While there, we also had the opportunity to hear many of the other Ithaca College presentations, including the "Best Paper" winner, Laura Kelly. It was a great experienc for both of us, and a pleasure to see the work of other communications students both at Ithaca and other schools.